Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Finally 19

So sometimes I really wonder if there is anyone reading this blog. Feels creepy to know that there are actually readers, when I think there isn't any at all. Please alert me if you are reading my posts, so I don't get frightened when I find out about it. Okay, no, just joking, really. I hope I don't sound too nerdy/crazy/stupid on this platform. If I do, just ignore me for a little while and keep reading. Hahaha.

Right. Last Saturday was really a mad day. I actually don't feel like remembering every bit of the details but I feel that I should at least write a little about it so one day when I look back I would be able to recall what has actually happened. So yes, I had the biggest surprise on my birthday. BUT it was preceded by the worst time of depression.

To that someone who had everything planned, THANK YOU. But you wasted my tears. I still feel like punching you right now.

Heart attack.

But it's okay.
I'm still happy.

Til then!

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