Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Talking to a primary school classmate of mine yesterday reminded me that, I am, in a way or another, turning more and more antisocial. From my perspective, at least.  I first heard the world antisocial when I was a lot younger, thanks to the always-telling-me-stuffs-that-i-do-not-understand-sisters. (?) Am I just too shy to speak out? To shy to socialize? Or too lazy! Ah. Well, look at this comic strip that I found on google images. Thought it was pretty practical to people in this 21st decade, so I posted it up. Credits to the original artist. Till then!

[an-tee-soh-shuhl, an-tahy-]


  1. What's "always-telling-me-stuffs-that-i-do-not-understand-sisters" supposed to mean!? You mean like how I taught you what gangrene is? My gangrene toe-nail, remember??

  2. Or the Perthes disease I just told you today! See, I am educating you.
